近日,日本三重县志摩市波切渔港发现大量死鱼冲上岸边,死鱼多到渔船寸步难行。当地渔业工作者正在进行回收处理。Officials in Japan have admitted they are struggling to determine why hundreds of tonnes of fish have washed ashore in recent days.日本官员表示,他们正在努力确定最近几天数百吨鱼被冲上岸的原因。Photo/Hokkaido Television Broadcasting日本海岸一周内两次出现大量死鱼这是继12月7日北海道出现大量死鱼后,日本海岸一周内第二次出现该情况。Earlier this month, an estimated 1,200 tonnes of sardines and mackerel were found floating on the surface of the sea off the fishing port of Hakodate in Hokkaido, forming a silver blanket stretching for more than a kilometer.本月早些时候,在北海道函馆渔港附近的海面上发现了约1200吨沙丁鱼和鲭鱼,这些鱼形成了一条长达一公里多的"银色长毯"。On Wednesday, officials in Nakiri, a town on the Pacific coast hundreds of miles south of Hokkaido, were confronted with 30 to 40 tonnes of Japanese scaled sardines, or sappa, which had been observed in the area a couple of days earlier.12月13日,在北海道以南数百英里的太平洋沿岸,波切渔港的官员又发现了30至40吨寿南小沙丁鱼,几天前就曾在该地区发现这种鱼。报道称,渔港内部分死鱼已经腐烂,开始散发出恶臭,当地政府已投入挖掘机等重型机械回收死鱼。Local fishers scrambled to collect the fish, fearing their carcasses would lower the oxygen content of the water as they decompose and damage the marine environment.由于担心死鱼会腐烂破坏海洋环境,降低水中氧气含量,当地渔民们争相打捞这些鱼。离奇死鱼引渔民担忧当地渔民表示,第一次见这么多死鱼漂浮在海面上,并担忧短期内频繁出现大量死鱼可能意味着海洋生态系统正在发生变化。“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” a fisher who has worked in the area for 25 years told the Mainichi Shimbun. “It was only around last year that we began to catch sappa in Nakiri. It makes me wonder if the marine ecosystem is changing.”一位在该地区工作了25年的渔民告诉日本每日新闻社,“我以前从未见过这样的事情。直到去年左右,我们才开始在波切捕到寿南小沙丁鱼。这让我怀疑海洋生态系统是否正在发生变化。”日官员称尚不清楚原因“The cause is unknown at the moment,” Mikine Fujiwara, a local fisheries official, told the newspaper. “We plan to sample the seawater at the site and examine it to uncover the cause.”当地渔业机构官员Mikine Fujiwara告诉日本每日新闻社:“目前尚不清楚原因,计划在现场对海水进行采样并进行检查,以找出原因。”“There have been no abnormalities found in the results of water-monitoring surveys,” the fisheries agency said, referring to the water that has been pumped out of the Fukushima plant so far. “We’re concerned about the proliferation of information that’s not based on scientific evidence.”当地渔业机构表示,对目前福岛核电站排放的核污染水的"水监测调查结果没有发现异常。我们对没有科学依据的传言感到担忧。”Fishing cooperatives in Fukushima had warned that the discharge would inflict further damage on the reputation of their seafood.福岛县渔业合作社曾警告称,核污染水排海将对其海产品的声誉造成进一步损害。Town officials in Hakodate urged local people not to consume the stranded fish amid reports that some were gathering quantities to sell or eat. “We don’t know for sure under what circumstances these fish were washed up, so I don’t recommend eating them,” Takashi Fujioka, a fisheries researcher said.函馆市政府官员敦促当地民众不要食用搁浅的鱼,因为有报道称,一些民众正在打捞搁浅的鱼用来出售或食用。渔业研究员Takashi Fujioka说:“我们不确定这些鱼是在什么情况下被冲上来的,所以我不建议食用。”来源:英国卫报,央视财经编辑:董静来源:中国日报网